The Relay to the Relay Begins


On a magical evening in the Duchy of Carntaigh, Caledon’s official efforts towards the upcoming Relay for Life (RFL) commenced in a gala “kick-off” ball, graciously hosted (and DJed) by the Duchess of Carntaigh herself.

A glittering array of Caledonian society turned out for the event, to show their support for the efforts of Caledon’s RFL Chairwoman Lapin Paris and to spur Caledon onto eventual victory in the Relay. In addition to their time, the attendees gave generously of their Linden with the amount raised for the charity during the ball rising to near 10K Linden when I departed.

Highlights of the event included the excellent musical bill, effortlessly arranged and introduced by the Duchess Gabrielle and the premier of several fine items for sale in support of RFL, including purple garments designed especially for the cause by Prof Avalanche and Miss Tombolo.

Also of note was the fact that this event marked the act that many Caledonians have been expecting and/or yearning for over the last several weeks….the call to arms from Governor (now Commander and Chief) Shang against the Bosch. As WAR looms on the horizon, with all the flippant primmage and bad music that that entails, commissions are finally available in the Caledonian forces to allow us to ostentatiously display our patriotism and social standing (real or imagined). To the best of my knowledge, this is the first recorded war to be fought explicitly for charity, so this is your chance to be part of a historical first. For information on how you can do your part, contact Miss Paris.

On behalf of all Caledon I wish to thank everyone involved for their efforts in making this splendid event happen, most especially Duchess Gabrielle Riel and Miss Lapin Paris.



The Duchess of Carntaigh (above) savoring the moonlight.


Mr. Samuel Priestly (above), rampant.


The Duchess of Loch Avie (above) surveys the dancefloor like a battlefield.


Yours truly (above) and my beloved Kirawill trip the candlelight fantastic.


  1. Oh, such lovely pictures, sir! This is a splendid journal, indeed, and I thank you for joining us this Saturday at Miss Callisto’s strand for our frolic (and I should add that the yellow gentleman you discovered me with is simply a supportive friend. An excellent swimmer and a good listener, I hasten to add)

    One complaint I must lodge, however is that my frock at the ball was entirely the work of Miss Fuscia Begonia, not mine. She is an amazing seamstress, and I should hate to receive credit for what is entirely her due!

    Looking forward to finally having a society page :)

    yrs etc

    Miss Virrginia Tombola

  2. This is my first trip to this wonderful aetheric site. I have a great appreciation for your work as I continue my efforts to gain a foothold in this genre.

    The report on the Relay for Life Kickoff event is very well done. Let me just say for my part, that I was indeed surveying the dance floor and all the wonderful Caledonians spinning about on it in support of a worthy cause; however, the only battlefield I was contemplating at the moment was that of the coming war. Vivat Caledon!!

    Most Sincerely,
    Eva Bellambi
    Duchess Loch Avie

  3. Thank you so much Lord BardHaven for attending the Ball with your gracious Lady! It was a wonderful evening – eventually raising $15,200 L for the RFL!

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